by mlicausi | Nov 24, 2019 | Differentiation, ELA (English Language Arts), Grading, Marzano Scales
Proficiency Scales are all about helping students show growth in small steps instead of being overwhelmed by a year-end goal that seems way over their head. Standards based grading means that you can pre-assess and post-assess your elementary students to document this...
by mlicausi | Oct 28, 2019 | Assessment, Differentiation, ELA (English Language Arts), Gifted and Talented Resources, Grading, Marzano Scales, Portfolios, Professional Development
h SHARE and COMMENT BELOW! I am SO excited to finally be able to bring you these very thorough and engaging resources. ELA Leveled Assessments for Reading Literature and Information which use REAL LITERATURE from a variety of sources and...
by mlicausi | Aug 14, 2019 | Australian Standards ACARA, ELA (English Language Arts), Free Resources, Marzano Scales, Professional Development
Imagine how much you could do for your students with unlimited funds… Sound good? Did you know that you can get money to buy classroom resources on TpT? How much of your own money have you spent over the years? If you’re like most teachers, it’s probably...
by mlicausi | Apr 26, 2019 | Grading, Marzano Scales
Confused by Grading Proficiency Scales? Grading with proficiency scales doesn’t have to be confusing, if you know what each level MEANS. Many school districts have switched to using proficiency scales for grading. Proficiency Scales became...
by mlicausi | Aug 30, 2018 | Free Resources, Motivation
Are you often drawn toward self- improvement goals? I have probably read 50 books on psychology, spirituality, sociology, religion, teaching pedagogy, and motivational guides. As a teacher, personal and professional development has always been a huge part of my life....