Okay, most of you are in bed already, but here in Arizona I still have 53 minutes left of Wednesday! Yeah!
I usually start working when my husband comes home from work and can take the little ones; our son is 4, and our daughter is 18 months. They are adorable!!! but seem to extract every ounce of energy I have most days. If I can work until midnight without my eyes glazing over, it's a good night!!!
What have I been working on? Well, I try to honor teacher requests for materials as best as I can working part time, but I am really excited that my new Quizzes are coming along quickly! Partly because I started them in January, the free Math Quizzes by Domain – but they didn't cover enough to be helpful. If a teacher is going to have more than one way to document student learning, then the quizzes really have to represent the core skills and knowledge of each standard at grade level. These quizzes have 3-6 questions for each standard, and can be done after the pre-test, but before the post-test (if you're also using the Assessments with Learning Goals and Scales). They can be sent home for some immediate student feedback, or added to the Student Portfolio binders as extra evidence of student mastery. The content of the Quizzes represents mastery of Level 3 of the scales, since that is the grade-level expectation.
Here's the 3rd Grade Common Core Math Quizzes for ALL Standards – coming up first! Follow this link to grab your free Quizzes before they become a paid product. I plan on bundling all of my grade-level materials once the quizzes are done, but I really want to give a gift to those of you who have already been using the Math materials with Learning Goals and Scales. You shouldn't have to buy another item when new buyers will get it all in one discounted purchase. Just trying to make things fair!
I will announce each grade level set as it is finished, so please KEEP in TOUCH!
The quizzes will only be free for a few days, and then they will become paid products. You can see the updates on my Facebook page, my Pinterest boards, or here. Just click the “Follow Me” buttons.