
3rd Grade ELA Proficiency Scales, Assessment & Growth Tracking BUNDLE- Editable

Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $135.00.


Every elementary classroom requires some level of differentiation. Proficiency Scales are the ultimate Standards Based Grading tool! They don’t just motivate a Growth Mindset, they define how students can demonstrate mastery. Every learning standard is broken down into 4 levels of Differentiation. These Posters lead students up a progressive learning path that mirrors the way they develop concepts. Aligned to the Marzano Framework and Taxonomy of cognitive skills. From easiest-hardest: (Recall/Retrieval, Comprehension, Analysis/Application, and Knowledge Utilization/Synthesis).

4 Learning Goal “I Can” Statements for each standard:

  1. Level 4 indicates an advanced knowledge of the skill.
  2. Level 3 represents proficiency in each math standard. see the stars*
  3. Level 2 will include content from the previous grade level and new vocabulary that must be applied correctly for mastery of level 3.
  4. Level 1 will either be derived from sub-skills of the standard, or from the background knowledge of earlier grade levels.

Students review EASY learning goals from previous grade levels in sections, “Levels” 1 and 2. These first two levels set them up to see simple examples of the connections between what they know, and what they must do this year. “Level” 3, or section 3, includes questions they should master this year. “Level” 4 includes optional enrichment tasks for your gifted and talented thinkers.

Need some ideas to quickly modify tasks and engage different learners? Follow this link to get some quick tips for INSTANT DIFFERENTIATION. It take seconds to implement!

This Product Bundle Includes:

  1. Proficiency Scales in color or black/white
  2. Assessments for every Language Arts standard that includes 4 levels of questions and answer keys.
  3. Progress Tracking Sheets for Student Portfolio, where students can color in their progress through each level of mastery, and keep them in work portfolios for conferences!

How to Use these Posters:

  1. Print the ones you are currently planning instruction for. (color/black and white)

*Option: Display them digitally on a white board while you teach!

  1. Briefly review levels 1, 2, and 3 (in that order) so your students can access prior knowledge and pre-assess themselves.
  2. Refer to the poster while you teach and practice new skills. Students will see their progression.

*Additional Options:

  1. Offer examples for each level of the proficiency scale (aligned to your classwork or assessments).
  2. Refer to the levels 1 and 2 to create appropriate modifications for targeted instruction or small group practice.
  3. Use Level 4 to modify or create enrichment tasks for your gifted and talented students.

How to Use these Assessments:

1. Print the standards you are currently planning to teach.

(Tasks for Levels 1 -4 fit on a single sheet of paper, two-sided.)

2. You may briefly review the standard and levels 1, 2, and 3 (in that order) so your students can access prior knowledge and pre-assess themselves. OR give it cold and see how they do as a pre-assessment.

3. Correct the pre-assessment, and share students’ results with them. Emphasize that this is NOT for a grade, but just to identify a starting place.

4. Use their scores to plan instruction, practice, review, small groups, or homework for your levels. (Sometimes I combine 3-4 and 1-2, so there are only two groups to differentiate for.)

5. Use the SAME Assessment sheet as a post-test!

Students will see their progress concretely! They should be allowed to correct old mistakes, and complete as many levels as possible to show mastery.

6. Record their final level in your gradebook.

7. Save the assessment in a portfolio folder to document student progress.

These are handy for parent conferences and teacher evaluations.

**UPDATED Feature: What does EDITABLE mean? This newest version (2017) offers COMPLETELY EDITABLE TEXT for levels 3 and 4. This includes the Learning Goal statements AND the test problems on every Assessment page for levels 3 and 4.

How to Use these Growth Tracking Portfolio Pages:

  1. Print the standards you are currently planning to teach.

(Tasks for Levels 1 -4 fit on a single sheet of paper, two-sided.)

  1. Offer a pre-assessment (formal or informal) so your students can access prior knowledge and demonstrate their starting level of mastery (1,2,3 or 4).
  2. Correct the pre-assessment, and share students’ results with them. Emphasize that this is NOT for a grade, but just to identify a starting place. Color the squares to match their level for each standard.
  3. Use their scores to plan instruction, practice, review, small groups, or homework for your levels. (Sometimes I combine 3-4 and 1-2, so there are only two groups to differentiate for.)
  4. Use a similar process for post-Assessment. Grade, share with students, and have them color in more squares to show concrete progress!

They should be allowed to correct old mistakes, and complete as many levels as possible to show mastery.

  1. Record their final level in your gradebook.
  2. Save the assessment in a portfolio folder behind the Tracking Sheets for each domain to document student progress.

These are handy for parent conferences and teacher evaluations.

Copyright 2023 by Melanie LiCausi; Mrs. L’s Leveled Learning LLC. The content is still under copyright and may not be used to create new resources for free, for sale, or for sharing on school databases without written permission from Melanie LiCausi at Mrs. L’s Leveled Learning LLC. Please contact me personally at or purchase additional licenses.

*School Site License – Please click on this link to GET A QUOTE TODAY!

These resources were developed using the following references:

Marzano, R. J. (2017). The new art and science of teaching.                                                                                                                                                      Bloomington, IN: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and Solution Tree Press.

Common Core State Standards © Copyright 2010 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.

ELA Vertical Progressions | The Hub. (n.d.).


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