An interesting question on TpT got me thinking about removing the Common Core standard quote from the student assessments and posters. A teacher from Florida mentioned that she is not allowed to use any materials that have “Common Core” written on them. Interesting since the state of Florida has fully adopted the Common Core Standards. I need some help deciding what would be most useful for teachers…
Removing the quoted standards could placate parent or staff objectors to Common Core by not drawing attention to the fact that the standards are the same. (In Arizona they just renamed them.)
It could provide more work space for student problems.
It could make the materials more useful for states where they have implemented modifications to Common Core, but basically are aligned.
The actual quote from the Common Core text works a quick reference for teachers, so you don’t have to look up the actual standard every time you introduce something new.
It also works as an anchor for students to understand what their kid-friendly learning goals are based on. Students learn that credible sources and correct interpretations of the content matter!
Whatever decisions I make will guide me in finishing the ELA scales as well. So, what do you think? Feel free to chime in by leaving a comment below or visit my Facebook page.
Current Assessment Example with the Standard Quoted Below the Heading:
Thank you Kerri for this comment from July:
“I just want to let you know how impressed I am with the 4th grade goals, scales, and assessments! After being at a Marzano pilot school for a year, I have consistently grappeled with scales that come out to be way too long not kid friendly at all. I kept thinking to myself, I don’t think this is what was intended for the goals and scales. What you have created helps teachers to allow students to take control of their learning, which is what I feel the intention is. Thank you!!!” on Need Help Using Learning Goals and Scales? – FREE Resources To Get You Started!
Kerri also had some common questions about using the materials. I realized I have described different ways to use scales in the classroom but haven’t created one comprehensive set of instructions in one easy place. For this reason I am re-organizing my blog to add the essential explanations in the tabs, as well as create a free guide for download. More about this next week!
You are correct about Florida but they are not calling them Common Core……they are calling them FSA Florida Standards Assessments. All they did was change a few words so they can say they aren’t common core. BIG DEAL!!!!! SAME thing!!
Arizona did the same thing a few years back. Maybe they figure parents aren’t reading the standards so those opposed won’t know right away.