I hope the New Year has begun smoothly for all of you! Having a longer break always gave me a feeling of renewed energy, to plan and teach the last half of the year as if it was another chance to start fresh! There's still time to make sure your kids are ready for spring testing, and revise some of the lessons, routines or procedures that need tweaking.

To help you prepare for a “New Year” with your students, I am offering a free Common Core Math Quiz for one domain each week, for the next 5 weeks. This week's domains are Operations and Algebraic Thinking for grades 3-5, and Expressions and Equations for grades 6-8.

Each Quiz is one two-sided page with one math problem for each Common Core standard for that domain. The number corresponds to the standard number. Each problem has the learning goal stated to help kids focus on the goal and make the connection between the quiz, and their work in the standards. If you don't use Common Core standards verbatim, they are still useable to assess the grade level skills. Check them out for yourself!

Follow the links below the Raffle to download your grade level Quiz! (3-8)

Also – to help you plan and track your students' needs, I'm offering 5 chances to win Common Core 
Assessment Bundles with Learning Goals and Scales for FREE with weekly raffles!

Raffle Week 1 – FREE Assessment Bundle 

…including the Common Core Posters for all Standards, the Assessments with Learning Goals and Scales for all standards, and the Student Portfolio Pages. Winners will be notified by email and listed in the blog post for the following week. You will be able to chose the grade level you need, so you can enter the raffle any week, or every week to win!

The easiest way to keep track of the weekly Raffles is by following Mrs. L's Leveled Learning blog on Blog Lovin', by email Newsletter, or by Facebook.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Click on the links below for this week's Common Core Domains  OA and EE!

This 3rd Grade Quiz pdf file includes one math problem for each 3rd grade Common Core math standard. The number of the problem corresponds to the number of the standard in this Domain. 3.OA.1 – 3.OA.9
The third grade standards in this Domain really focus on using symbols and forming equations which is a huge jump toward abstract thinking between 2nd and 3rd grade. Whether or not your student are ready for this jump, there are luckily a lot of concrete ways to introduce symbols (variables) representing numbers such as using blocks, pictures, or programs like Hands-On Equations. One of my personal favorites for introducing pre-algebra concepts!
Read this blog post for more info.
The 4th Grade Quiz pdf file includes one math problem for each 4th grade Common Core math standard. The number of the problem corresponds to the number of the standard in this Domain. 4.OA.1 – 4.OA.5

In 4th grade solving word problems, and representing word problems becomes the focus. Students need to apply the skills in creating and representing equations with “missing” numbers.

The 5th Grade Quiz pdf file includes one math problem for each 5th grade Common Core math standard. The number of the problem corresponds to the number of the standard in this Domain. 5.OA.1 – 5.OA.3

In 5th grade students are translating words into equations, patterns, and graphing!

This 6th Grade Quiz pdf file includes one math problem for each 6th grade Common Core math standard. The number of the problem corresponds to the number of the standard in this Domain. 6.EE.1 – 6.EE.9

The elementary standards from 3-5th grades flow into the middle school EE standards by expecting students to apply their skills in creating equations and identifying variables. The equations and problems become more complex.

The 7th Grade Quiz pdf file includes one math problem for each 7th grade Common Core math standard. The number of the problem corresponds to the number of the standard in this Domain. 7.EE.1 – 7.EE.4

In 7th grade students are asked to solve equations and inequalities with positive and negative integers. 

The 8th Grade Quiz pdf file includes one math problem for each 3rd grade Common Core math standard. The number of the problem corresponds to the number of the standard in this Domain. 8.EE.1 – 8.EE.8

Expressions and Equations in 8th grade include scientific notation; students were introduced to exponents of ten in 5th grade, which hopefully gave them a solid foundation for understanding this.  
If you find that your students struggle with content from earlier grade levels, consider introducing The Posters with Learning Goals and Scales, or the Assessments to help you quickly determine what level of instruction they need to advance. Sign up for the Raffle to WIN these resources for FREE, or click on the FREEBIES tab to try out samples in your classroom. See a quick VIDEO TUTORIAL to use these products more effectively. 
Thanks for stopping by.
Check back next week for this week's raffle winner 
and the next raffle and quiz domain!

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Grades 1-8, Math & ELA 

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