Today I am linking up with Christmas Conversations from Babbling Abby at The Inspired Apple! I love the month of December because people seem to take more time for fun and family. Decorating the house, baking goodies, writing cards, shopping for gifts, watching movies while sipping hot cocoa on the couch, are some of my favorite things to do! Here are some more favs…
We do A LOT of baking at my house in December. Just today we had our cookie-baking marathon for our annual Christmas Cookie gift boxes. A few years ago my husband and I started putting these together for our closest friends and family as a way to share something warm with everyone on a modest budget. The time and love that goes into these boxes far exceeds their cash value! Our three year old loves to cook, and wanted to help as much as possible. He also understands, as every clever little preschooler does, that the longer you hang around the treats the more likely you are to get samples!
In addition to sharing cookies, I'm also sharing a recipe with dozens of other teachers on! Click on the Holiday Recipes book below to download a free copy. What I love about this book is that it covers every course, not just the deserts! My Italian Biscotti recipe is on page 54. 🙂