How do you know that your classroom routines are working? Do you have a classroom that could run itself if you step away? Think about the rules, expectations, rules, routines and procedures in your classroom. Do you feel as though your system functions like a well-oiled machine and students always know what’s expected of them? Do your students take ownership of classroom expectations and participate in helping their peers follow them? If this is your goal, then you’re probably teaching (and being evaluated) under the Marzano platform. But, if things aren’t running so smoothly in your classroom, then you’ve come to the right place! This is the FOURTH in a series of posts related to the Marzano Teacher Evaluation platform and the iObservation teacher evaluation system. This blog-post series is aimed at helping you find your way and successfully navigate the Marzano framework.
In this post, we’ll examine another component of Domain 1, which is all about ‘Establishing Classroom Routines and Procedures.’ Below, you’ll find the list of what’s expected of you, and ALSO a set of tips, that are both teacher and student-friendly, to establish your classroom routines and procedures.
This is an area that you truly want to excel in, not only to do well on your evaluation, but to make your ‘teaching life’ so much easier. Yes, as all teachers know, start establishing those rules, routines and procedures on DAY 1, if you want to be successful with classroom management. Setting up classroom routines will enable you to teach with little disruption to your instruction.
When you take a look at the expectations of both students and teachers with regard to ‘Establishing Classroom Routines’ in Marzano’s Domain 1, it includes the following elements on which you will be evaluated:
What will I do to establish and maintain classroom rules and procedures?
Establishing Classroom Routines
The teacher reviews expectations regarding rules and procedures to ensure their effective execution.
Teacher Evidence:
- Teacher involves students in designing classroom routines
- Teacher uses classroom meetings to review and process rules and procedures
- Teacher reminds students of rules and procedures
- Teacher asks students to restate or explain rules and procedures
- Teacher provides cues or signals when a rule or procedure should be used
Student Evidence:
- Students follow clear routines during class
- When asked, students can describe established rules and procedures
- When asked, students describe the classroom as an orderly place
- Students recognize cues and signals by the teacher
- Students regulate their own behavior
The Marzano and iObservation platforms suggest that you set up a few basic rules, such as: respect for everyone, and then have a class meeting about the rules, at the beginning of the year. The meeting time enables students to decide, for the most part, the rules, consequences, and expectations for the class overall. If you teach multiple classes, then it’s recommended that each and every class meet and set up their own rules and procedures as well. The class meeting format gives students the chance to feel respected by the teacher and take ownership of their classroom culture as well. Daily practice is an essential ingredient as well. Your students will need time to integrate the routines into their daily habits so it becomes automatic. Once you see your students taking over the class, reminding each other of the routines, and working well without you, you know you’re ready to showcase your classroom management!
Another important element of establishing rules and procedures is the layout of your classroom. Make sure that your classroom, is neat, organized and set up so that it functions well with the expectations and routines that have been set up for the class. For example, don’t have the pencil sharpener in a place that distracts everyone when it’s being used. Here is a wonderful article I found that gives a great verbal description of some factors to consider. This blog post is even more amazing because it includes some diagrams with pros and cons for each layout. Thank you!
Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out this series of blog posts on the Marzano and iObservation framework. I hope you are feeling more at ease about the Marzano system now and that you can confidently implement all that you’ve learned here. What are some of the ways that you establish classroom routines in your classroom? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments area below!
Thank you to Alison F. for her comments regarding…
That sounds useful to focus on routine. Children crave structure. This structure can enhance focus and retention of concepts that are taught.
Not just for students, but for myself as well! There’s so much to think about as a teacher I find I am much more consistent with my instructional approach when I have some routines in place.