by mlicausi | Apr 4, 2020 | Differentiation, Grading, Parent Communication
Are you a parent, figuring out what to work on with your child at home? Are you a teacher trying to teach online? The COVID-19 experience has revolutionized distance learning and created an even greater need for parent-teacher communication! My name is Melanie...
by mlicausi | Feb 23, 2020 | Differentiation, Grading, Marzano Scales, Math
Pretesting and post-testing your students is the easiest way to practice standards based grading. The hardest part for me was figuring out how to TEACH differently. Proficiency Scales are all about helping students show growth in small steps instead of being...
by mlicausi | Feb 23, 2020 | Differentiation, Gifted and Talented Resources, Grading, Marzano Scales, Math
Standards based grading means that you can pre-assess and post-assess your students to document their progress; but how do you TEACH differently? Proficiency Scales are all about helping students show growth in small steps instead of being overwhelmed by a year-end...
by mlicausi | Feb 9, 2020 | Free Resources, Grading, Math, Motivation
Kids LOVE origami, at least my students always have. In an effort to get kids working together as a team, here is a fun way to assign groups and ‘solidify’ partnerships using one simple origami fold. Students can leave their group piece in a special place...
by mlicausi | Jan 26, 2020 | Grading
Do you ever look at all your proficiency scales and feel overwhelmed? Not only do you have to cover 20-30 learning standards in each subject, but now you have 4 different levels to differentiate for? Did you know that you might get away with emphasizing just 5-6...