by mlicausi | Feb 1, 2016 | Assessment, Australian Standards ACARA, Differentiation, Marzano Scales
The Year 4 Australian Leveled Assessments with Marzano Scales based on the Australian Standards for Year 4 Number and Place Value are almost done! I really wanted them finished before your new school year started, but life of course got in the way a bit! We does out...
by mlicausi | Aug 8, 2015 | Assessment, Australian Standards ACARA, Differentiation, ELA (English Language Arts), Grading, Marzano Scales, Math, Professional Development
Initially, Marzano Scales were forced on me through some district professional development. After starting to use them I really saw the benefit for students and the response I got from them was amazing!! Here are my top 7 reasons to use Marzano Scales in any...